Application usage

This module provide Application class, which used as entry point for your REST applications with WebSockets.

Run a instance of application

Before running the server with you application necessary to satisfy few conditions:

1. Import required modules of aiorest-ws package to write your own handler. It can be method-based:

from aiorest_ws.views import MethodBasedView

class HelloWorld(MethodBasedView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return "Hello, world!"

or function-based view:

from aiorest_ws.decorators import endpoint

@endpoint(path='/hello', methods='GET')
def hello_world(request, *args, **kwargs):
    return "Hello, world!"

2. Add implemented endpoint to the instance of SimpleRouter class or derived from it. For method-based view its looks like this:

from aiorest_ws.routers import SimpleRouter

router = SimpleRouter()
router.register('/hello', HelloWorld, 'GET')

and a little bit different for a function-based approach:

from aiorest_ws.routers import SimpleRouter

router = SimpleRouter()

3. Set user-defined router and start Application instance via run method:

# By default server listen on
app = Application()

Constructor arguments

Application instance can get in the constructor the next arguments:

  • factory
    Factory class, used for instantiating protocol objects. Must be inherited from the RequestHandlerFactory class. Default to RequestHandlerFactory class
  • protocol
    Protocol class, used for processing client requests. Must be inherited from the RequestHandlerProtocol class. Default to RequestHandlerProtocol class
  • certificate
    Path to SSL certificate. Default to None
  • key
    Path to private key of SSL certificate. Default to None
  • middlewares
    List of middlewares, applied for every request. Default to []


Application can receive list of middlewares, which used for pre-processing requests in the order of their appearance.

Example of using:

default_middlewares = (MyCustomMiddleware, )
app = Application(middlewares=default_middlewares)

For more demonstrative example you can look onto example of API with JSON WebTokens

Run method


If you want to change behaviour of run method, then focus on override some inner function or procedure. For example, it can be generate_factory method, which return configured factory class.

Run method its a entry point for your all applications, because it start server on the specified ip and port. Default realization of this method can get the next parameters:

  • ip

    The hostname to listen on. Default to ''

  • port

    The port of the webserver. Defaults to 8080

  • path

    Path to REST APIs relatively to server. Default to ''

    For example if user has left ip, port by default, and set path='api', then server REST with WebSockets will be available on the ws:// or wss:// (when SSL enabled)

  • log_level

    If specified, set logging level. Default to 'info'. Available options are: 'info', 'debug', 'critical', 'error', 'warn', 'trace'

  • router

    Router with registered endpoints Default to None (instead None object Application using instance of SimpleRouter class)

  • compress

    Enable compressing for transmitted traffic. Default to False

  • accept_function

    Function for compressing of transmitted traffic. Default function is aiorest_ws.utils.websocket.deflate_offer_accept. Using only when compress argument specified with True value.

Running with SSL


Don’t use non-encrypted channels for transferring user data (passwords, tokens, etc.).

Aiorest-ws framework support running server with SSL. Just append certificate and key options to the Application constructor:

# REST with WebSockets will be available on wss://
app = Application(certificate='path/to/my.crt', key='path/to/my.key')'', port=8080, router=router)

In situations, when required to test your application for a work with SSL, but certificate has expired or have not provided by the customer, you can generate your own self-signed certificate via OpenSSL:

$ openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
$ openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
$ openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
$ openssl x509 -in server.crt -out server.pem

Running with traffic compression

Application instance have support to compress all transmitted traffic by the network. This feature was taken from implementation (which rely onto this document).

For enable this feature is enough to append compress parameter with True value to the run method:

app = Application()

By default using deflate compression method which is provided by “permessage-deflate” extension. If you want to change this behaviour to a custom, then specify accept_function argument with certain functionality (as a function). For instance you can look on the example of autobahn-python repository.