.. _aiorest-ws-app: Application usage ================= .. currentmodule:: aiorest_ws.app This module provide :class:`Application` class, which used as entry point for your REST applications with WebSockets. Run a instance of application ----------------------------- Before running the server with you application necessary to satisfy few conditions: 1. Import required modules of ``aiorest-ws`` package to write your own handler. It can be method-based: .. code-block:: python from aiorest_ws.views import MethodBasedView class HelloWorld(MethodBasedView): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return "Hello, world!" or function-based view: .. code-block:: python from aiorest_ws.decorators import endpoint @endpoint(path='/hello', methods='GET') def hello_world(request, *args, **kwargs): return "Hello, world!" 2. Add implemented endpoint to the instance of :class:`SimpleRouter` class or derived from it. For method-based view its looks like this: .. code-block:: python from aiorest_ws.routers import SimpleRouter router = SimpleRouter() router.register('/hello', HelloWorld, 'GET') and a little bit different for a function-based approach: .. code-block:: python from aiorest_ws.routers import SimpleRouter router = SimpleRouter() router.register_endpoint(hello_world) 3. Set user-defined router and start ``Application`` instance via ``run`` method: .. code-block:: python # By default server listen on app = Application() app.run(router=router) Constructor arguments --------------------- Application instance can get in the constructor the next arguments: - factory Factory class, used for instantiating protocol objects. Must be inherited from the :class:`RequestHandlerFactory` class. Default to ``RequestHandlerFactory`` class - protocol Protocol class, used for processing client requests. Must be inherited from the :class:`RequestHandlerProtocol` class. Default to ``RequestHandlerProtocol`` class - certificate Path to SSL certificate. Default to ``None`` - key Path to private key of SSL certificate. Default to ``None`` - middlewares List of middlewares, applied for every request. Default to ``[]`` Middlewares ----------- :class:`Application` can receive list of middlewares, which used for pre-processing requests in the order of their appearance. Example of using: .. code-block:: python default_middlewares = (MyCustomMiddleware, ) app = Application(middlewares=default_middlewares) app.run() For more demonstrative example you can look onto `example of API with JSON WebTokens `_ Run method ---------- .. note:: If you want to change behaviour of ``run`` method, then focus on override some inner function or procedure. For example, it can be ``generate_factory`` method, which return configured factory class. ``Run`` method its a entry point for your all applications, because it start server on the specified ip and port. Default realization of this method can get the next parameters: - ip The hostname to listen on. Default to ``''`` - port The port of the webserver. Defaults to ``8080`` - path Path to REST APIs relatively to server. Default to ``''`` For example if user has left ``ip``, ``port`` by default, and set ``path='api'``, then server REST with WebSockets will be available on the ``ws://`` or ``wss://`` (when SSL enabled) - log_level If specified, set logging level. Default to ``'info'``. Available options are: ``'info'``, ``'debug'``, ``'critical'``, ``'error'``, ``'warn'``, ``'trace'`` - router Router with registered endpoints Default to ``None`` (instead None object :class:`Application` using instance of :class:`SimpleRouter` class) - compress Enable compressing for transmitted traffic. Default to ``False`` - accept_function Function for compressing of transmitted traffic. Default function is ``aiorest_ws.utils.websocket.deflate_offer_accept``. Using only when ``compress`` argument specified with ``True`` value. Running with SSL ---------------- .. warning:: Don't use non-encrypted channels for transferring user data (passwords, tokens, etc.). Aiorest-ws framework support running server with SSL. Just append ``certificate`` and ``key`` options to the :class:`Application` constructor: .. code-block:: python # REST with WebSockets will be available on wss:// app = Application(certificate='path/to/my.crt', key='path/to/my.key') app.run(host='', port=8080, router=router) In situations, when required to test your application for a work with SSL, but certificate has expired or have not provided by the customer, you can generate your own self-signed certificate via OpenSSL: .. code-block:: bash $ openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048 $ openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr $ openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt $ openssl x509 -in server.crt -out server.pem Running with traffic compression -------------------------------- :class:`Application` instance have support to compress all transmitted traffic by the network. This feature was taken from Autobahn.ws implementation (which rely onto `this `_ document). For enable this feature is enough to append ``compress`` parameter with ``True`` value to the ``run`` method: .. code-block:: python app = Application() app.run(compress=True) By default using deflate compression method which is provided by "permessage-deflate" extension. If you want to change this behaviour to a custom, then specify ``accept_function`` argument with certain functionality (as a function). For instance you can look on the `example `_ of autobahn-python repository.